Monday, November 17, 2008

Caffeine, a drug?

Many of us know that caffeine is a drug but don't really think of it as a drug. Did you know that caffeine has some of the same effects on the body as LSD, alcohol, cocaine and crystal meth? Difference is? Caffeine is available very easily to all of us and is socially acceptable. Caffeine is considered to be the most widely used psychoactive drug throughout the world.

Caffeine, believe it or not, is like any other drug, addictive. Don't think you are addicted? Try going one day without your morning coffee, or afternoon diet coke. I know I can't, headaches and irritabilty begin taking over. As soon as I know I am going to have some tea or coffee these symptoms start to subside. Caffeine addiction affects everyone differently there isn't any real treatment for it, also because it is not illegal and can be found anywhere!

Although considered a drug, it is very rarely fatal unless one consumes high amounts of caffeine pills and goes into ventricular fibrulation. Although, the other side effects some of us know all to well: tremors, anxiety, insomnia, hyperventilation, and rapid heart rate.

I am not one to say that caffeine addiction is a bad thing, I just want people to be aware of substances being put in their bodies and know that even when you may think you aren't and and addict or don't have any addictions, just remember this one!

Check out this site to find out how caffeine affects the body and the amount of caffeine in different substances.


Jaymes Gillis said...

I dont drink caffeine, but i do eat apples i dont know what it is like to be addicted to caffeine but i am sure its the same as other drugs. People are always drinking coffee and DD is making millions on the addiction of caffeine. Nicely done, but most people even knowing this information will not stop drinking their cups of coffee.

Aili said...

I love coffee. I drink a lot of it everyday. I can't really function in the morning until I have had a coffee. I've tried going without it for a day, and I can, but I choose not to becuase it's so delicious. After reading your blog, I'd say that I'm probaly addicted to caffeine. Interesting and good to know.

Rconroy4917 said...

I knew caffiene could be addictive but i never reallyput too much thought into it. I usually have coffee at least 4 times a week in the morning usually before school so i dont fall asleep in class. Id say sometimes i can be addicted to it but i know i can go one day without it. So i know im not as bad as my dad and need it 2 or 3 times a day to funtion .

CJ Franklin said...

I dont drink caffeine. People that drink coffee every day become addicted. Good informatio on this topic but i bet with people still knowing this information they still wont quit.