Monday, November 3, 2008

Holiday Stress

Many people tend to get "stressed out" during the holidays. All of the food temptations, gift buying pressures and lack of cash flow all seem to play a part. Stress has a way of getting us down and making us more suseptible to colds and flus. How does one stay calm during these crazy times? Here are some suggestions: Make lists, prioritize, ask for help, start sooner, shop online, make certain activities more enjoyable, take care of you -be sure to get plenty of sleep and eat healthy! Also be realistic budget time accordingly, try too not fit too much into one day. Try spending time with someone instead of buying gifts. Make your own gifts, save money and get creative. Agree to not exchange gifts with some people. The holidays should be about fun and relaxation, not stressful and tiresome. Try some of these ideas to avoid getting yourself down this holiday season.

More tips:


Adam said...

This is so true, lets not forget the stress of finals that take place right before the holidays. The list of suggestions you gave was good, We'll see if i can put any of them to use and not procrastinate like i generally do.

Lisa said...

I like your stress suggestions. Good blog! Money is a huge stressor around holidays especially for college students. Finals are also a killer.

Jon Jordan said...

I bet this year there is going to be a lot of mutual agreements not to by gifts or spend under a certain amount of money on gifts for people with the way the economy is. On gifts most people procrastinate which leads to a decent amount of stress, but I think it's kinda fun sometimes.