Monday, November 17, 2008

Contact Lenses

There are so many things in our lives that can cause cancer and/or cause our bodies harm. Some of us just live our lives not knowing what those things are, or just not wanting to know. One thing that I knew was bad but didn't know how or why, contact lenses. I wear contacts and decided that I should do some research on how they affect my eyes.

In 2006 there was an outbreak of an eye infection in Singapore, that was related to a cleaning product by Bausch & Lomb. This infection, Fersarium Keratitis, is known to cause blindness and/or scar tissue. To read more about this:

Contact lenses can cause dangers to the eyes, but if properly cleaned and worn the risk of infection is lowered. Our eyes are not something to mess around with. I personally never thought too much about how dangerous putting something in my eye could be, but now that I think about it and have done some reading, our eyes are super sensitive and they are not something I want to have get infected and damaged.

There are things that contact wearers can do: make sure that the contacts are made to allow adequate oxygen flow, clean them properly, follow instruction from the doctor, don't be cheap-put a new pair in when it's time, and just be aware. Do the research and ask questions to find out what contacts are right for you, I know I am going to!

These sites offer information on infections, Q&A, and preventative measures.


James Brusard said...

This was a very interesting post. I wear contact lenses myself and I am personally very conscious of making sure my hands are clean and that I do not touch my eyes otherwise. I remember hearing about the recall of the Bausch and Lomb product a number of years ago. Luckily for me though, I wear daily disposable contacts and don't have to worry about possible germs and other things that may be present on re-used contact lenses. Very informative post.

Daniel Willemain said...

I've been wearing contact lenses for a few years now, but I don't take care of them really. I tend to be cheap where I just use one pair for about 4-5 months. I clean them every night, but i know it's no good! good to know.

Ian Hunter said...

That is scary i wore contact for a year and got tired of putting them in and taking them out every day. i now wear glasses but only when i need them. i guess i made the right choice with out even knowing it.